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最近,德国交通俱乐部发布了2005全球汽车环保性能排行榜。今年,德国交通俱乐部共对全球350款现有车型进行了环保测评。其标准涉及二氧化碳排放量、噪声、碳烟、苯等致癌物和其他有害物质的排放量等。他们希望能够通过这一排名为汽车购买者提供参考,并借此提倡减少能源的消耗和温室气体的排放。德国交通俱乐部副主席赫尔曼·沃克特表示,比起时尚的车体外形,汽车的技术性能和使用范围更为重要。在今年的测评结果中,高居榜首的是丰田公司的一款汽油电动混合的小型车,而德国汽车只有一款欧宝Corsa Eco1.0进入前10名,此外,值得注意的是入榜者几乎都为低排气量的小型车,看来微型车在环保及经济性方面有非常突出的先天优势。现在,就让我们来看看这些汽车在性能上有哪些独到之处. Recently, the German transport club released the 2005 global automotive environmental performance rankings. This year, the German Transport Club conducted a total of 350 models of the existing global environmental evaluation. Its standards cover emissions of carbon dioxide, noise, emissions of carcinogens and other harmful substances such as soot and benzene. They hope to be able to provide a reference for car buyers through this ranking, and to promote reduction of energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions. Hermann Vorter, vice chairman of the German transport club, said the technical performance and use of the car are more important than the sleek body shape. Among the top results this year are Toyota’s a gasoline-electric hybrid car, while the German car has only one of the top 10 Opel Corsa Eco1.0. In addition, it is noteworthy that almost all of the participants For small cars with low exhaust volume, it appears that the mini car has a very prominent natural advantage in terms of environmental protection and economy. Now, let us look at the performance of these cars what are unique.
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2005年,疲劳驾驶造成的死亡人数高达数干人。如何避免疲劳驾驶,你了解吗? 2005年5月,为庆祝儿子满月,陈某与朋友聚会到深夜,开车回家时,因疲劳驾驶不能正常控制车辆,与路边树