
来源 :军事经济研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:qu123qu
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和平与发展是当今世界的主题。这为国防科技军民结合提供了可能。同时,新技术革命条件下,民用科技与国防科技互相渗透与促进已很难区分军用与民用的界限。丰富的国防科技储备为军民结合提供了物质基础。因此,国防科技军民结合已成为当代太趋势,日益受到各国政府的关注。我国实现国防科技军民结合必须坚持三点:第一,以军带民,促进全行业及整个科学技术体系的发展进步。第二,以民促军,促进军事科学技术水平的不断提高。第三,军民兼容,走寓军于民的科技发展道路。 Peace and development are the main themes in today’s world. This provides the possibility of combining military technology with national defense technology. In the meantime, under the conditions of the new technological revolution, it is hard to differentiate the boundaries between military and civilian uses of the mutual penetration and promotion of civil science and technology and national defense science and technology. The abundant reserves of national defense science and technology have provided the material basis for the integration of military forces and civilians. Therefore, the integration of national defense science and technology between the military and civilian areas has become a trend of the present generation and increasingly attracts the attention of governments of all countries. In order to realize the integration of national defense, science and technology, we must adhere to three points: First, to bring the army to the people and promote the development and progress of the entire industry and the entire system of science and technology. Second, to promote the military and promote the continuous improvement of military science and technology. Third, military and civilian compatibility should lead the development of science and technology in the military.
2015年,南国之春,潮汕海边,因工作机缘,得知这个“丝绸之路非遗文化探寻”项目时,毫不犹豫地向主办方推荐了洮砚。一方面,它产自我的家乡卓尼,自己比较熟悉这个文化。另一方面,做这个项目,在老家有人脉资源,办事儿方便一点。当然,如果非要说一个高大上的理由,可能就是心底挥之不去那一份故土情怀吧!这份情怀,出门久了,年岁增长,日趋浓郁。  北方七月,亦是酷暑难耐。同行诸君三十余人,自兰州出发奔赴卓尼,归
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在一个人那里,他说得对的,你听了,他说得不对的,你从了。那么,这个人,就可能对你为所欲为。  因为,你没有底线,他就没有原则。  强权是这么产生的,蛮横也是这么产生的。这个世间一切的居高临下,一切的欺辱,是这么产生的。  没有适当的愤怒,就会丧失对方对你的敬重;没有坚守的立场,对方就会在你的摇摆里觉得有机可乘。  每个人都会在对方那里呈现两个自己,一个是表面上的自己,一个是骨子里的自己。坏人,就是
美国国防部每年至少投资20亿美金从事四种高能激光器的理论研究,它们为: ·天基激光器(SBL)。这是弹道导弹防御部实现助推阶段拦截的战区导弹防御和国家导弹防御计划。 ·机