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当越来越多的海内外宾客盛赞上海日新月异的变化时,创造现代化发展奇迹的上海人却在喝彩声中增添了更多的清醒与忧患。据《解放日报》报道,在最近上海的各种会议、报告和热门话题中,人们思考、议论、研究的中心往往是问题与困难,压力与不足。“少讲成绩多找差距,少报家底多讲思路”成为上海“两会”贯穿始终的会风。全市上下都传递着一个共同的理念:面对辉煌业绩,上海人务必 As more and more guests at home and abroad praised the rapid changes in Shanghai, Shanghainese who created a miracle of modern development have added more sobering and distress to their applause. According to the “Liberation Daily” reported that in recent meetings, reports and hot topics in Shanghai, the center of people’s thinking, discussion and research is often problems and difficulties, pressures and deficiencies. “Less talk about performance more than find the gap, understatement more ideas” has become Shanghai “two sessions” throughout the meeting style. The city conveys a common philosophy up and down: in the face of brilliant achievements, Shanghai people must
世界青年田径锦标赛是国际业 余田径联合会主办的国际青年田径比赛。参加比赛的运动员受年龄的限制,男不满19岁,女不满18岁。比赛每两年举行一次。从1986年7月16~20日在希腊
In May,Chengdu’s Yintai Center became home to the Kids with Line Friends theme park,the latest branding victory of a product that isn’t even available in Chin
A public debate on the bystander effect,prompted by a viral video of a fatal traffic accident,has highlighted continued gaps in China’s“Good Samaritan”laws—
驱车在沪宁高速上,两旁开发区招商引资的巨大标牌不时闯入眼帘,而村村建区、镇镇招商的现状仿佛当年苏南乡镇企业狂飙突进的再现。 苏南开发区主要集中在苏锡常三市:苏州仅
引言 山东,古称“负海而扼天下之吭”,是“天下制胜之地”,曾有“山东安而天下皆安矣”的说法。今天,在中国的经济板块中,山东以其实力也属“形胜之地”。刚刚过去的2002年,