The interaction between the membrane-proximal external region and the N-trimer region of HIV-1 gp41:

来源 :Chinese Science Bulletin | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gjx0128
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The membrane proximal external region (MPER) of gp41 is extremely conserved among diverse HIV-1 variants, implying its important role in viral infection. Interestingly, two of the most broadly neutralizing antibodies, 2F5 and 4E10, specifically recognize this region. Our previous study demonstrated that the antigenicity and immunogenicity of 4E10 epitope are affected by remodeling gp41 fusion core, suggesting that the MPER may be associated with gp41 core and involved in gp41-mediated membrane fusion. Here we measured the binding activity of 4E10 epitope peptide (D4E10P) with various gp41 core-derived peptides and found that the N-trimer region in a construct designated N-trimer-6HB interacted significantly with D4E10P. Using N-trimer-6HB to screen a phage library, we identified a motif (WF) located in 4E10 epitope that may play a certain role in the interaction of gp41 MPER with the N-trimer in gp41 fusion core and, we thus speculated upon the potential involvement of MPER in the fusion process between viral envelope and target cell membrane. Interestingly, two of the most broadly neutralizing antibodies, 2F5 and 4E10, specifically recognize this region. Our previous study demonstrated that the antigenicity and immunogenicity of 4E10 epitope are affected by remodeling gp41 fusion core, suggesting that the MPER may be associated with gp41 core and involved in gp41-mediated membrane fusion. Here we measured the binding activity of 4E10 epitope peptide (D4E10P) with various gp41 core-derived peptides and found that the N-trimer region in a construct designated N-trimer-6HB interacted significantly with D4E10P. Using N-trimer-6HB to screen a phage library, we identified a motif (WF) located in 4E10 epitope that may play a certain role in the interaction of gp41 MPER with the N-trimer in gp41 fusion core and, thus thus formulated into the potential involvement of MPER in the fusi on process between viral envelope and target cell membrane.
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