
来源 :新疆农业科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lvzhenzhuo112
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【目的】农业是易遭受气候变化影响、较脆弱的产业之一,特别是发展中国家的农业。研究吉尔吉斯斯坦共和国(以下简称吉国)灰漠土壤肥力对该国农业的影响,为该国农产品生产提供参考。【方法】实地考察及分析吉国气候资料。【结果】据吉国境内观测资料表明,咸海沿岸地区、吉尔吉斯山脉山前地带和塔拉斯河谷地带的气温有明显上升,且平均每年升高0.05℃;气温年内分布除春季变冷外,其他三季均有不同程度的变暖趋势;气象站观测的年降水量表明,夏季降水量呈增长趋势,在空间上费尔干纳山西坡和伊塞克湖盆地东部尤为突出。2012年由于气候变暖造成的影响尤为突出,气温较往年春天和夏天更为干燥,粮食减产损失了1/3之多。【结论】吉国机械化耕作程度不高,秸秆还田量较少,农耕区几乎没有轮作倒茬,并且极少使用化肥和有机肥。表现出土壤肥力下降、农作物产量降低、农产品质量下降和周边环境恶化。灰漠土有机物含量在人类经济活动和气候变化因素的双重影响下其含量降低,要恢复土壤肥力需要财政投入。 【Objective】 Agriculture is one of the more vulnerable industries affected by climate change, especially in developing countries. To study the impact of desertified soil fertility in the Kyrgyz Republic on the country’s agriculture and provide a reference for the country’s agricultural production. 【Method】 Field investigation and analysis of Kyrgyz climate data. 【Result】 According to the observation data in Kyrgyzstan, the temperature in the Aral Sea coast, the Kyrgyz mountain ranges and the Taras valley area increased obviously, and the average annual temperature increased by 0.05 ℃. In addition to the cooling in spring, The annual precipitation in the weather station shows that the precipitation in summer shows an increasing trend, which is particularly prominent in the west slope of the Fergana Mountains and the eastern part of the Issyk-Kul Basin. In 2012, the impact due to climate warming was particularly prominent. The temperatures were more dry than those in previous spring and summer, and the loss of grain output was as much as one third of that. 【Conclusion】 The degree of mechanized farming in Kyrgyzstan is not high, and the quantity of straw returned to farmland is small. There is almost no crop rotation in the farming areas, and little use of fertilizers and organic fertilizers. It shows a decrease in soil fertility, a decrease in crop yields, a decline in the quality of agricultural products and a deterioration of the surrounding environment. The content of organic matter in the gray desert soil is reduced under the dual influence of human economic activities and climate change factors, and financial recovery is needed to restore soil fertility.
研究3个百合新品种在山西太谷地区的生长适应性,以筛选出适宜当地栽培的百合品种。试验以亚洲百合小蜜蜂(‘Tiny Bee’)、小鬼(‘Tiny G host’)、小侵略(‘Tiny Invader’)