First, the analysis of principle: The strength ratio analysis of valence state is based on the atomic shell-layer price of electronic state changes caused by the corresponding changes in line intensity. M_5 and N_1 electrons of Ni and Co and N_4, N_5 and O_1 electrons of Mo, Nb and Zr are valence electrons. The Kα_ (1,2), Lα_ (1), Lβ_1, Lβ_2 and Lγ_1 spectra originate from K-L_ (2,3), L_3-M_5, L_2-M_4, L_3-N_5 and L_2-N_4 transitions respectively. Predict the valence effect of the above elements on the line intensity ratio. Experiment and Results: Ni and NiO, Co and CoO, Co_3O_4, Mo and MoO_3, Nb and Ni are measured on JSM-35C scanning electron microscope and spectrometer (WDS) and programmable probe automatic analyzer (MiCRO-PM) Spectral line intensities of Nb 2 O 5, Zr and ZrO 2 at 15 and 20 or 25 kV. The measured intensities were reduced to pure “ionic” intensities by the ZAF correction, respectively, in order to unify the basis of comparison. The results are shown in Tables 1 and 2.