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外贸经济增速放缓2003年广东省实际吸收外商直接投资达155.8亿美元,实现了历史性的跨越。虽然155.8亿美元这个数字打破了广东省1995年以来的最高水平,但还是低于全国的平均水平,更低于长三角的其他主要城市。对此,笔者专访了广东省对外贸易经济合作厅厅长梁耀文。梁耀文认为,广东省对外贸易和吸收外商直接投资增速放缓、后劲不足的原因是多方面的,但结构性的突出矛盾和区域发展不平衡是主因。比如出口的市场、主体和利用外资的产业、外资来源等结构不够优化,这些方面在不同程度上制约了外贸经济的可持续发展。梁耀文说:“虽然我省外经贸发展规模较大,但主要集中在珠江三角洲地区,特别是集中在深圳、东莞和广州三个城市。而三区和东西两翼12个市直接合同利用外资和实际利用外资仅占全省的15.4%和11.8%。这既是广东外经贸发展的不足,也是加快发展的潜力。 Foreign Economic Growth Slowed Down In 2003, Guangdong actually absorbed 15.58 billion U.S. dollars of foreign direct investment and achieved a historic leap forward. Although the figure of 15.58 billion U.S. dollars broke the highest level in Guangdong since 1995, it is still below the national average and lower than the other major cities in the Yangtze River Delta. In this regard, I interviewed the Guangdong Provincial Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation Department Director Liang Yaowen. Liang Yaowen believes that there are many reasons for the slowdown in growth of foreign trade and foreign direct investment absorption in Guangdong Province. There are many reasons for this. However, structural contradictions and regional imbalances are the main reasons. Such as the export market, the main body and the use of foreign investment in industries, sources of foreign investment and other structures are not optimized, to varying degrees, these aspects restrict the sustainable development of foreign trade economy. Liang Yaowen said: ”Although our province has a relatively large scale of economic and trade development, it is mainly concentrated in the Pearl River Delta region, especially in Shenzhen, Dongguan and Guangzhou, while the 12 cities in the three regions and east-west wings and the two cities use direct foreign direct investment The actual utilization of foreign investment only accounts for 15.4% and 11.8% of the entire province, which is both an inadequate development of foreign trade and economic cooperation in Guangdong and a potential of accelerating development.
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