患者女,67岁,全身出现皮疹伴疼痛、发热3天.查体:全身皮肤泛发性红斑,红斑基础上可见水疱、大面积表皮松解剥脱、糜烂面,全身黏膜未累及,水疱疱壁松弛,尼氏征阳性.患者既往对“磺胺类、头孢类”药物过敏,本次发病前再次使用头孢类药物.诊断:泛发性大疱性固定性药疹.停用致敏药物并系统给予糖皮质激素后皮疹迅速消退.“,”A 67-year-old woman presented with skin rash accompanied with fever for three days.Dermatologist physical examination showed erythemas,bullous,erosions and exfoliations over the trunk,limbs and buttocks.Nikolsky sign was positive.The patient had ever suffered from skin rash because of taking cephalosporin and sulfanilamide.Three days ago cephalosporin was taken orally again.Generalized bullous fixed drug eruptions was diagnosed.The regression of skin rash was achieved after stop taking cephalosporinat and taking glucocorticoids.