牛文先生是著名的版画家。他1922年出生于山西省灵石县,1941年考入延安鲁迅文艺学院美术系学习,1943年开始木刻创作,以后历任重庆美协主席、四川美协副主席、中国版画家协会副主席等职,一直以优秀作品不断问世而受到美术界的关注。 纵观牛文的版画创作,求“变”,不断地“变”是其艺术几乎一贯的特色。他的“变”应
Mr. Niu Wen is a famous printmaker. He was born in Lingshi County, Shanxi Province in 1922 and was admitted to the Fine Arts Department of Lu Xun College of Arts and Sciences in Yan’an in 1941. He started the woodcut creation in 1943 and later served as chairman of the Chongqing Artists Association, vice chairman of Sichuan Artists Association, and vice chairman of the Chinese Artists Association. , Has been hit by the fine arts continue to pay attention to the fine arts. Looking at Niuwen’s printmaking, seeking “change” and continually “changing” are the almost consistent features of his art. His “change” should