
来源 :水利水电技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxl
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1975年以前辽宁省中部平原区的地震设计裂度为6度,根据设计规范规定,修建的排水泵站均未考虑抗震问题。1975年辽宁省发生海城地震时,该区的地震烈度为6~8度,6度区基本无震害,7度以上区发生震害的排水泵站共72座,震害率为68%。震害表现为泵房沉陷、倾斜,梁、板、涵管震裂。震后经短时间修复,95%恢复了正常运转,且投资不大。文中指出,我国地震设计烈度7度以上区的面积较大,如果排水泵站考虑抗震设计,将大量增加工程量和投资,而排水站多属4~5级,使用期限仅30~50年,在使用期内遭遇7度以上破坏性地震的可能性极小,且震后很少产生次生性灾害。故认为在地震设计烈度为7度以上区,排水站设计可不考虑地震设防,已有的排水站也不考虑抗震加固,当遇震害时可采取临时抢修措施。 Prior to 1975, the seismic design of the plain area in central Liaoning Province was 6 degrees. According to the design specifications, the drainage pumping station constructed did not consider the seismic resistance problem. When the Haicheng earthquake occurred in Liaoning Province in 1975, the seismic intensity in this area was 6 ~ 8 degrees with basically no seismic damage in 6 ° area and 72 drainage pumping stations with seismic damage in the area above 7 °. The seismic damage rate was 68% . Earthquake damage performance of the pump house subsidence, tilt, beams, plates, culverts shattered. Shortly after the earthquake repair, 95% returned to normal operation, and the investment is not. The paper points out that the seismic design intensity in our country is larger than 7 degree. If the drainage pump station considers the seismic design, it will greatly increase the engineering quantity and investment. However, the drainage stations are mostly 4 to 5 grade with 30 to 50 years’ The probability of encountering a destructive earthquake of more than 7 degrees during the service period is extremely small, and there is very little secondary disastrous event after the earthquake. Therefore, in the area where the earthquake design intensity is above 7 degrees, the design of drainage stations may not consider the earthquake fortification, and the existing drainage stations do not consider the seismic reinforcement. In case of earthquake damage, temporary repair measures may be taken.
河流中的悬移质通常含有粗粒(D>0.05毫米)和细粒(D 0.05 mm) and fine (D
中国建设总公司在伊拉克共和国承包建设的克菲尔—希纳菲利亚工程库法坝(Kifil—shina—filya Project kufa Dam),于1984年4月正式开工,工期32个月,现已建成投产并交付使用,