
来源 :微纳电子技术 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:nikecb
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纳米科技在我国骤然变热,说明纳米科技本身所蕴涵的巨大发展潜力得到了社会各界的广泛关注,尤其是企业界的热情参与,使得纳米科技在我国的快速发展具备了比较有利的外部环境。但是应该看到,最近对纳米科技概念产生的一些误解以及伪纳米产品的出现,也使得有些人对纳米科技? Nanotechnology has suddenly become hot in our country, which shows that the great potential of nanotechnology has won wide attention from all walks of life. In particular, enthusiasm from enterprises has made nanotechnology a more favorable external environment for the rapid development of our country. However, it should be noted that some recent misconceptions about the concept of nano-technology and the advent of pseudo-nano products have also led some people to nanotechnology.
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Most practical networks are cyclic and demand Convolutional network coding(CNC). Researches on application of CNC in practical networks are still insufficient.
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