
来源 :淮北煤师院学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lwzeta
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“话题主语”是胡裕树先生主编的《现代汉语》(增订本)提出的一个新的语法概念。作为高等院校的教材,这本《现代汉语》一直是以它善于继承发扬汉语语法学的传统,即“力求发现现代汉语的结构特点,不断革新语法体系,让语法学更有效地为我们的语文教育服务”而著称的。对比这本教材的三个不同的版本,我们可以发现语法体系方面最突出的革新是析句方法的不断改进,增订本的革新主要包括两方面的内容:一是句子分析和对句意的了解,二是句型确定和造句材料的功能替换。“话题主语”的提出是析句方法改进的一个突出的内容。 “Topic Subject” is a new concept of grammar proposed by Modern Chinese (updated edition) edited by Mr. Hu Yushu. As a textbook for institutions of higher learning, this “modern Chinese” has always been based on its tradition of promoting Chinese grammar by being good at inheritance, that is, “striving to find out the structural features of modern Chinese, constantly innovating grammatical systems and making grammar more effective for our Chinese education service ”and known. Comparing the three different versions of this textbook, we can find that the most prominent innovation in the grammar system is the continuous improvement of the parsing method. The innovations of the new edition mainly include two aspects: First, sentence analysis and understanding of the sentence meaning , The second is to determine the sentence pattern and the function of the sentence material replacement. The proposition of “topic subject” is a prominent part of the improvement of the parsing method.
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