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1932年“一·二八刀淞沪战役后召开了由中日双方军事代表及中立国英、美、法、意驻华武官参加的军事停战谈判会议,就停战区域,中日双方驻兵区域及毗连地区之划分等问题进行了紧张激烈的谈判。虽然谈判结果是以中国方面的妥协退让而告结束,但中方谈判代表依然在交涉中对日方所提的许多无理要求进行了坚决的抗争。关于这次停战谈判的纪录对研究“一二八”之役及当时中日关系与各“中立国”对事变的态度均具价值,特自本馆所藏“军事委员会战时新闻检查局”档案全宗中选编此组史料刊布,以飨读者。文中所有英文注释均为钱金保所译,各件标题亦为原件所有,特此说明。 1932 “After the battle of Songhu in January 28, the military truce meeting involving military representatives from China and Japan and the armed attaches of Britain, the United States, France and Italy to China in neutrality was held. With regard to the Armistice Area, the stationed areas of both China and Japan and Border areas and other issues of intense negotiations.Although the outcome of negotiations was compromised by China ended, but the Chinese negotiators still in the negotiations on many of the Japanese made unreasonable demands were resolutely opposed. The record of the armistice negotiations is of great value to the study of the ”January 28“ campaign and the current Sino-Japanese relations and the attitude of the ”neutral countries“ to the incident. This document was specially collected from the archives of the ”Military Committee’s News Bureau of the Wartime" Selected by the Fontaceian, this group of historical materials is published in order to readers. All English notes in the text are translated by Qian Jinbao and the title of each is also the original.
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对玉米秸秆粉粒体压制成型的密度分布进行了分析,并探讨了影响密度分布的几个重要变量的关系,从而为植物粉粒体模压成型的模具设计提供了依据。 The density distribution of
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