词作家 俞明龙

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俞明龙,中国音乐家协会会员,中国音乐文学学会会员,江西省音乐家协会理事,江西省音乐文学学会理事。600余件作品先后在中央电视台、中央电台,《歌曲》《词刊》等省级以上电视台、杂志上播放发表。主要作品:《清贫颂》获中纪委全国征歌特等奖、第十届中宣部“五个一工程”奖;《麦客走了》获文化部“群星”金奖;《在妈妈身边》获文化部电影电视剧创作一等奖,《太阳下面是故 Yu Minglong, member of Chinese Musicians Association, member of Chinese Music Literature Association, director of Jiangxi Musicians Association and director of Jiangxi Music Literature Society. More than 600 works have been published on television stations and magazines such as CCTV, CCTV, “Songs” and “Journal”, etc. Major works: “Poverty of the Poor,” won the National Commission for Discipline Inspection of the National Grand Prize, the Tenth Propaganda Department “five one project” award; “Mai off” by the Ministry of Culture “stars ” gold medal; Around “by the Ministry of Culture film and television drama creation award,” the sun is below
目的:观察中西医结合治疗急性水肿型胰腺炎的临床疗效。方法: 64 例患者随机分为2 组:治疗组36 例在内科综合治疗的同时使用中药清胰I 号 汤,另加丹参注射液静滴,每天1 次,连用7