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政府改革正处在攻坚阶段,许多问题牵一发而动全身,解决起来有相当难度。在此背景下,改革创新在一定的范围内先试点,既可以积累经验,又可以规避风险,是一个稳妥并行之有效的方法。有关人士指出,地方政府在推进改革创新的同时, 也要避免两个倾向:一是试点仅仅是为了证明领导的观点、上级的意图,而不是为了暴露问题、发现问题、解决问题;二是工作目标不明、思路不清,就盲目进行试点。一旦处理不当,贻患无穷。近年来,各地政府结合自身实际,在人事、职能、财政管理等方方面面的试点层出不穷。其中许多令人眼前一亮,如南京市公推公选市管领导干部;深圳市连续三次推动行政审批制度改革;安徽省率先提出并已在全国推行的“乡财县管”改革等, 都富有启发性,是在中央政策的大框架内进行的积极探索。 The government reform is at a crucial stage. Many problems are overwhelmingly affected and it is quite difficult to solve them. Against this background, reform and innovation should first try out within a certain range, which can both accumulate experience and avoid risks. This is a sound and effective parallel method. Relevant persons pointed out that while promoting the reform and innovation, local governments should also avoid two tendencies: First, the pilot is only to prove leadership’s view and superior’s intention, not to reveal the problem, discover the problem and solve the problem. Second, the work The target is unknown, the idea is unclear, blindly pilot. Once handled properly, there is great potential. In recent years, all localities and governments have combined their own realities with an endless stream of pilot projects in personnel, functions and financial management. Many of them made a lot of achievements such as the leading cadres of Nanjing Public Administration and Public Opinion Management, Shenzhen City promoting the reform of the administrative examination and approval system three times in succession, the reform of “rural finance and county administration” first proposed by Anhui Province and implemented throughout the country, Are all enlightening and are actively explored within the framework of the Central Policy.
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