Effects of attention and reliability on the performance of online medical crowdfunding projects: The

来源 :管理科学学报(英文) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lummy
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Medical crowdfunding platform helps numerous patients access enthusiastic donors and address financial difficulties, but many crowdfunding projects fail to reach their target amount. Thus, how a crowdfunding project can attract considerable donors is question-able. This study examines the effects of attention and reliability on the performance of online medical crowdfunding projects and how target amount changes such effects. Based on objective data of 1177 crowdfunding projects from 2016 to January 2018 in a large medical crowdfunding platform in China, we find that the project donor’s attention (the number of forwards and comments) and reliability (the number of dynamic updates, empirical users, and pictures) positively affect the medical crowdfunding performance of the projects. However, target amount weakens the positive effects of the number of for-wards and comments in online medical crowdfunding projects. Therefore, project spon-sors should set reasonable target fundraising amounts while showing attention and reliability to donors. Compared with previous research that mainly explores the influence of extal factors on crowdfunding outcomes from the perspective of donors, this paper focuses on the intal project factors and explores the concs and trustworthiness of crowdfunding projects, enriching the literature related to fundraising ability in the project.
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