Normal adult visual acuity after 1.01.5, a study by our scientists shows that the adult visual nervous system is still considerable plasticity, after instrumental correction and scientific training, you can get 2.0 and above . The study was conducted by Zhou Yifeng, a key laboratory of brain function and brain disease at the Chinese University of Science and Technology (CAS), and Zhang Yudong, a team at Chengdu Optoelectronics Research Institute. They creatively combined visual acuity learning and human ophthalmic adaptive optics. They did such a comparison experiment: two groups of subjects to perform the same contrast testing task of perceptual learning, one of them to do high-order human eye aberration correction, there is a better system of human ophthalmology, and the other did not do High-order aberration correction, is the ordinary human optics. The results showed that the corrected small