Home is Best

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  小松鼠和他的爸爸媽妈在树洞里居住了很多年,小松鼠渐渐觉得他的房子又旧又冷,于是决定去寻找新的家。小松鼠尝试了很多地方,水獭的家、兔子的家、鼹鼠的家……最后小松鼠找到他喜欢的家了吗?Let's read the story.
  Squirrel lives in a tree holewith his parents.
  "My home is old and cold,"says Squirrel.
  "I don ' t like it."
  "I need a new home,"says Squirrel.
  So Squirrel goes to lookfor a new home.
  Squirrel meets Turtle.
  "Where is your home?" asks Squirrel.
  " My shell is my home," says Turtle.
  "Oh, I can' t carry a home all thetime," says Squirrel.
  Squirrel meets Otter(水獭).
  "Where do you live?" asks Squirrel.
  "I live by the river," says Otter.
  Squirrel comes to Otter ' s home.
  "Your home is nice, Otter," says Squirrel.
  "But it is much too wet for me.
  Squirrel meets Rabbit.
  "Where is your home?"asks Squirrel.
  "My home is underground(位于地下)," says Rabbit.
  Squirrel goes to Rabbit ' s home.
  "Rabbit, your home looks warm, "says Squirrel.
  "But it is much too crowded (拥挤的 ) for me."
  Squirrel meets Mole(鼹鼠 ) .
  "Where do you live?" asks Squirrel.
  "I live in a cave,
  says Mole.
  Squirrel goes to Mole ' s home.
  "Mole, your home looks cool, " says Squirrel.
  "But, it is too dark for me. I cannot see in the dark like you."
  Squirrel feels disappointed(失望的 ) .
  He misses (想念) his old home.
  Then he goes back home.
  "I' m sorry, I can ' t find a better home," says Squirrel.
  His parents smiles, "East or West, home is best.",
  "Yes, home is best," says Squirrel.
Down by the bay,  Where the watermelons grow,  Back to my home, I dare not go.  For if I do, my mother will say,  “Have you ever seen a snake  Baking a cake down by the bay? ”  Words:  dare [de?(r)] v
閱读提示:  春天来了,天气越来越暖和,小熊和他的两个朋友计划了春天的第一场野餐活动。可是,当一切准备就绪,小熊却说:“我们不能野餐了,冬天又回来了。”这是怎么回事?春天的第一场野餐真的就这样取消了吗?Let’s read the story.  Squirrel, Rabbit and Bear are friends.  They live in the forest.  They sleep
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列出算式,把相應的英语数字写在横线上。  There are two horses on the farm.  Two more horses come.  How many horses are there in all?  _______________________ horses  There are ten fish in the river.  Three fish swim away