浙江省宁波市海曙区两个社区自今年3月引入ISO国际质量管理体系后.经过3个月的试运行,现已顺利通过审核.并实现了“四个转变”: 一是社区工作方式由粗放向集约转变。原先社区的每条线工作虽然都有专人管理,但缺乏有效统筹,往往就事论事.解决事情相对被动。引入新办法后.社区工作更注重对结果和过程的控
Two communities in Haishu District, Ningbo City, Zhejiang Province have passed the ISO international quality management system since they were introduced in March this year and have passed the audit after 3 months of trial operation and have achieved “four changes”: First, the work style of the community Extensive to intensive change. Although each line of work in the original community was governed by specialists, it lacks effective co-ordination and tends to be a matter of fact. The solution to the problem is relatively passive. After introducing the new approach, community work places more emphasis on results and process control