不知不觉间,2005-2006赛季的NBA已走完4个月的征程。总冠军归属虽仍扑朔迷离, 却也不是混沌一片,无从看起。事实上,如果把NBA比作一张考卷,那时间就是最好的判卷老师:公正,耐心,铁面无私,不羁人情。不管你采取哪种策略——实际,浮夸,或是韬晦——在时间的灰烬前都会失去意义。君不见,赛季之初万马同奔、齐头并进的场景早已不复存在,如今联盟30强各居其位, 泾渭分明,曾经叫嚣着要拿总冠军的,或已摔得头破血流,无地自容;一些当日蓬头垢面, 毫不起眼的小角色,反倒愈战愈勇,大有改朝换代的架势;当然也不乏真正的实力雄厚者, 始终稳扎稳打,一步步向那座金光灿灿的总冠军奖杯迈进。
Unconsciously, the 2005-2006 NBA season has completed the journey of 4 months. Although the championship is still complicated and confusing, but it is not a chaos, can not afford to look. In fact, if the NBA is compared to a test paper, that time is the best judge: justice, patience, selfless, unruly. No matter what tactics you adopt - real, exaggerated, or poorly - will lose meaning before the ashes of time. Do not you see, the beginning of the season Wanma with Ben, go hand in hand scene has long ceased to exist, and now the top 30 alliances, each with a clear distinction, once clamored to take the championship, or has been shattered, groundless; Some unbearably undemanding role in the day, but more and more courage and courage, great posture to change the course; of course, there is no lack of real strength, and always steady, step by step toward the golden championship trophy forward.