Tunable amplification and absorption properties in double-Λ system of GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum w

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We study the optical amplification and absorption properties in a double-Λ four level system of GaAs/AlGaAs multiple quantum wells(MQWs) under realistic experimental conditions.The amplification and absorption responses of two weak fields can be achieved by adjusting the relative phase,the probe detuning,and the two pump Rabi frequencies appropriately.The investigation is much more practical than its atomic counterpart because of its flexible design and the wide adjustable parameters.It may provide a new possibility in technological applications for the light amplifier working on quantum coherence effects in MQWs solid-state system. We study the optical amplification and absorption properties in a double-Λ four level system of GaAs / AlGaAs multiple quantum wells (MQWs) under realistic experimental conditions. Amplification and absorption responses of two weak fields can be achieved by adjusting the relative phase, the probe detuning, and the two pump Rabi frequencies suitably. The investigation is much more practical than its atomic counterpart because of its flexible design and the wide adjustable parameters. It may provide a new possibility in technological applications for the light amplifier working on quantum coherence effects in MQWs solid-state system.
尿道下裂是小儿常见的先天性尿道畸形 ,其修复方法较多 ,但术后并发症亦多。我院自 1990~ 1999年采用阴茎皮下及龟头隧道法正位修复尿道下裂 36例 ,效果良好。报道如下。1 资
小儿急性中毒的发病特点及种类不同于成人,我院急救中心1991年1月至1999年4月共收治各种中毒720例。现将其中53例小儿急性中毒的原因分析如下。 临床资料 1.一般资料:男29例,女24例。<3岁9例,4~7岁27例,8~14岁17例,年龄
本刊讯 机械工业部贯彻《汽车工业产业政策》座谈会于9用20日至21日在北京举行,何光远部长作了重要讲话,与会代表对《产业政策》颁布以来贯彻执行情况及出现的新情况、新问题