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气候变暖已经成为目前全球最重大的问题之一。应对气候变暖取决于各国的价值取向和节能减排的实际行动,而碳市场为促进节能减排或低碳经济的发展提供了政策支持和制度保障。本刊特邀请几位专家就这一话题展开讨论。杨志、郭兆晖在《低碳经济的由来、现状与运行机制》中对碳市场做了经济学分析,介绍了碳市场的特点与功能、核心产品、运行机制、市场分布;提出中国发展低碳经济的总体战略,呼吁中国一定要抓紧探索构建自己的碳市场,利用碳市场机制,借助绿色利益驱动,实现节能减排与发展低碳经济。周珂、徐岭、潘文军在《中国应对气候变化法治建设刍议》中根据据有关国际公约的规定,借鉴国外的做法,结合中国的实际,提出目前中国在应对气候变化法治建设上应该注意的五个重要问题。于同申、张成在《环境规制与经济增长的关系》中基于中国工业部门1991-2008年的分省面板数据,实证研究了环境规制和经济增长的关系。焦方义在《以低碳经济模式推进中国新型工业化进程》中从中国的国情出发,指出只有按低碳经济模式要求指导新型工业化进程才能走出一条既顺应国际气候形势要求,又符合中国国情的新型工业化道路。 Climate warming has become one of the world’s most significant issues. Response to climate change depends on the value orientation of all countries and the actual action of energy conservation and emission reduction, while the carbon market provides policy support and system guarantee for promoting energy conservation and emission reduction or the development of low-carbon economy. This journal has invited several experts to discuss this topic. Yang Zhi and Guo Zhaohui made an economic analysis of the carbon market in “The Origin, Current Situation and Operation Mechanism of Low-carbon Economy”, introduced the features and functions of the carbon market, core products, operation mechanism and market distribution; put forward that China should develop low-carbon The overall economic strategy calls for China to pay close attention to exploring its own carbon market, making use of the carbon market mechanism and using green interests to achieve energy conservation and emission reduction and the development of a low-carbon economy. According to the provisions of the relevant international conventions, drawing lessons from foreign practices and combining with the reality of China, Zhou Ke, Xu Ling and Pan Wenjun proposed in “China’s Legal System Construction for Addressing Climate Change” that China should pay attention to the legal construction of climate change An important issue. At the same time, Zhang Cheng in the “relationship between environmental regulation and economic growth” based on the panel data of provinces in China from 1991 to 2008, empirical study of the relationship between environmental regulation and economic growth. Based on China’s national conditions in “promoting the process of China’s new industrialization with a low-carbon economy,” Coke Fangyi pointed out that only by following the guidance of a low-carbon economic model to guide the process of new industrialization can a new type of industrialization conforming to the requirements of the international climate situation and conforming to China’s national conditions emerge the way.
目的:探索微管相关蛋白2(microtubule-associated protein 2,MAP2)与微管相关蛋白1B(microtubule-associated protein 1B,MAP1B)在预测胰腺神经内分泌肿瘤(pancreatic neuroe
【正】 这里所说的班门弄斧,指的是:对于内行人所写的稿件,编辑人员作为外行去审读时,对于专业知识方面的问题认真地提出意见和建议,帮助作者提高稿作的质量。班门弄斧是编辑
<正> 《素问·阴阳应象大论》云:“酸苦涌泄为阴”。其中“涌泻”二字,历代注家均分别注释,认为“涌”谓涌吐,“泻”谓泻泄。如新版中医高校统编《内经讲义》即持这种观点。