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法国作家勒克莱齐奥的散文集《大地上的陌生人》用诗意的语言叙述了一个神秘小男孩流浪在城市和海边,寻找白天极致光线的一天。他的写作中始终贯穿着一种强烈的目光,这目光不仅来自观看的主体,也来自主体周遭的世界和那无所不在的光线。这目光具有多质又统一的意义结构,其力量显现的方式与西方传统凝视机制中的目光在本质上不同:力图超越理性与科学对主体/客体、灵魂/肉体、人类/自然之间的二元对立,等待界限的模糊和消失,不断重新出发进入事物本身,开启心醉神迷的诗意感官之旅。本文将借助法国哲学家梅洛-庞蒂的生命现象学理论,通过分析文本并与西方传统凝视机制进行对比来展现作家目光的结构特点以及他回归存在与意义本源的写作,即不带任何目的的写作,让生命自身自我展现。 The essay by the French writer Le Clerziot, The Stranger on the Land, uses poetic language to describe a mysterious little boy wandering the city and by the sea looking for the daytime light of day. His writing always runs through a strong eye, not only from the main body of the view, but also from the world around the main body and the ubiquitous light. This vision has a qualitative and uniform structure of meaning. The way in which its power appears is essentially different from that in the traditional Western gaze mechanism: trying to go beyond the two parts of the subject / object, the soul / body, and the human / nature between reason and science Opposition between the yuan, waiting for the boundaries of the vague and disappear, continue to re-enter the thing itself, to open the ecstatic poetic sensory journey. This article, based on the phenomenology of life phenomenology of the French philosopher Merleau-Ponty, analyzes the text and contrasts with the traditional Western gaze mechanism to show the structural features of the writer’s eyes and his return to the origin of meaning and meaning without any purpose Writing, let life show itself.
登记号 940071分类号 61500-0000软件名称及 方正Super文字编排系版本号 统WPS NT[简称:WPS NT]V1.0著作权人 珠海市金山电脑有限公司及其国籍 中国软件首次发表 1993年6月3
炼式锅炉对于燃料颗粒的要求,也是十分严格的。在设计炼式锅炉时,由于考虑经济运行条件,通常要求所选用的燃料、其颗粒的标准范围如表1所示: 事实上,按表1这种要求来说,如果
卜今令今令令令令令令丫寡研究与试制拿 冬令令今令令一、令令令峨 期页AINICos烧结磁钢·······················,················
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小朋友们,你们都吃过西瓜吧,可谁肚皮上会长出西瓜秧呢?告诉你们吧,我的肚皮就长出过西瓜秧!这不,晚上为了消暑,老爸买了个大西瓜,切开一尝: Children, you have eaten wate