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近几年来,探讨全宗理论问题,已成为档案学理论研究中的一个热门课题。这期间陆续发表一些有理论深度、有见地的论文。这些论文以其新颖的立意、崭新的观点、透彻的分析,引起了广泛的注视。并且由于各自论述的角度和认识的不同,出现了一些分歧和争论,使档案学研究领域出现了活跃局面。这种局面标志着全宗理论研究正向深入发展,是一种可喜现象。同时也向我们提出一个问题,即沿着什么样的思路和方向,才能更有效地推进正在展开的讨论和深入的研究,使全宗理论有个突破性进展,为实际工作的开展提供充分的理论依据,从而收到理想的成果。本文仅就此问题,谈几点不成熟看法,与同行们商讨交流。一、遵循理论命题之间的协调一致原则翻开各门教科书,无论是自然科学还是社会科学,我们都会发现,各门学科领域的各个理论、原理的命题之间,包括基础理论之间、基础理论与应用原理之间,以及应用理论之间,都是前后照应相互一致的。我们可把它称之为学科理论之间的协调一致的原则。它既是 In recent years, to explore the theory of the Fonds, has become a hot topic in the study of archival theory. During this period have published a number of theoretical depth, insightful essay. These papers have attracted wide attention because of their novel conceptions, new ideas and thorough analyzes. And because of their different perspectives and understanding of differences, there have been some differences and controversies, the field of archival studies appeared an active situation. This situation indicates that the study of Fonds theory is developing in depth and is a gratifying phenomenon. At the same time, we also ask us a question: along what kind of thinking and direction, we can push forward discussions and further studies more effectively, so that there is a breakthrough in Fonds theory and provide sufficient Theoretical basis, so as to receive the desired result. This article only on this issue, talk about a few immature views, and colleagues to discuss the exchange. First, follow the principle of harmony between theoretical propositions Open all textbooks, whether natural science or social science, we will find that the subjects of the various fields of theory, the proposition of the principle, including the basic theory between the foundation Between theory and application of theory, and between applied theory, are consistent with each other. We can call it the principle of coherence between disciplinary theories. It is both
A hierarchical structural decomposition analysis(SDA) model has been developed based on process-level input-output(I-O) tables to analyze the drivers of energy