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近年来,由于油田采出液含水率上升,含油污水深度处理越来越困难,采用常规含油污水处理系统处理污水通常会造成过滤罐阻塞和溢流,从而导致其处理能力下降。高频电磁水垢控制器是一种主要用于除垢及防垢的装置,在油田污水处理系统中得到广泛应用。其机理是向污水加一足够强度电压后,感应偶极矩的出现使污水介质的硬度下降,流动性变好;在交替变化的电磁场中,带有正负电荷的水分子团被反复极化以至于和外加电磁场发生共振,最终成为稳定的双水分子,其使过去形成的片状方解石晶体形成细小、松软的针状的文石晶体,并随水流冲走;双水分子渗透到污垢与容器壁之间,在动态溶解平衡过程中利用其与金属材料膨胀率的不同,使原有的污垢逐渐松软、龟裂、脱落、排除。在过滤罐入口端安装高频电磁水垢控制器后,结垢沉积量和结垢沉积速率略有降低,说明水垢控制器在抑制垢沉积上有一定效果;水垢控制器前端沉积物主要为钙垢,后端沉积物主要为铁垢。 In recent years, due to the increase of moisture content of oil field production fluid, the deep treatment of oil-contaminated water is more and more difficult. The treatment of sewage by conventional oily wastewater treatment system usually causes the clogging and overflow of the filter tank, resulting in a decrease of its processing capacity. High-frequency electromagnetic scale controller is mainly used for scale and anti-scaling device, in the field of sewage treatment system has been widely used. The mechanism is to add a sufficient intensity to the sewage voltage, the emergence of induced dipole moment so that the hardness of the sewage medium decreased mobility better; in alternating electromagnetic fields, with positive and negative water molecules were repeated polarization So that it resonates with the applied electromagnetic field and finally becomes a stable double water molecule, which forms a small, soft acicular aragonite crystal from the past formed calcite crystal and runs away with the water flow; the double water molecule permeates into the dirt and Between the container walls, in the process of dynamic dissolution and balance its use of metal materials and the expansion rate of different, so that the original dirt gradually soft, cracked, fall off and eliminate. The installation of high-frequency electromagnetic scale controller at the inlet end of the filter tank reduced the amount of deposition and the deposition rate of fouling slightly, indicating that the scale controller had a certain effect in inhibiting scale deposition. The scale deposit in the front of the scale controller was mainly calcium scale , The back sediment is mainly iron scale.
2007年11月中旬,中国造纸协会秘书长赵伟在其每年一次的“产销形势分析报告”中提出,2007 年中国造纸工业极有可能出现重大“拐点”,即生产总量将首超消费总量,同时出口量将
摘要:七煤集团公司洗煤厂(以下简称七洗厂)是一个年处理能力在200万t以上的大型炼焦型选煤厂,选煤方法为块煤跳汰煤泥浮选。该厂浮精煤脱水系统中主要脱水设备为PG78-8型圆盘真空过滤机4台,XAQZ250/1600精煤压滤机1台,配套2YK—110型真空泵4台,给料泵2台及滤液泵、鼓风机等辅助设备。  关键词:洗煤厂;浮精煤;系统改造  1存在问题  1.1滤饼水分高  七洗厂实际生产中真空泵的真
(接上期)rn3.3 个人计算机、工作台(站)和服务器的拆解rn3.3.1 个人计算机、工作台(站)、服务器和信息计算系统的拆解工艺是统一的,因为他们的模块构成是标准的.这一构成包括