Among the many questions put forward by national educators, the most important one is the question of rationally organizing mathematics education. What purpose should be put forward for mathematics teaching in middle schools? How large should the knowledge be? How should the system be arranged? Mathematics for middle school students and life How should the linkages be? This is the third of a large number of questions that need to be thoroughly examined. Without analyzing the trends in science and technology, economics and production development beforehand, and not analyzing the requirements of daily practice on the mathematics knowledge and skills of graduates of secondary schools, the above questions cannot be resolved on their own. When we train students in schools today, we cannot but foresee what tomorrow they will put forward to them in the practice of building the great cause of building a communist society put forward by the 22nd Congress of the CPSU. All our work, decisions, and teaching experiments must be guided by this purpose. Whether we are discussing the general problems of the Soviet secondary education system or discussing individual issues, we must always see this purpose. Of course, we cannot foresee that every student is required to know