
来源 :科学大观园 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blowywang
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1908年6月30日清晨,在俄罗斯帝国西伯利亚森林的石泉通古斯卡河畔,晨曦微露,晓雾初开。霎时,一个神秘的巨型火球划破苍穹,临空爆炸。其声震天撼地,其亮度与太阳相若。干燥的强风夹杂着巨大的噪音横扫大地,几百万棵树木顷刻间被全部推倒……这场发生在俄罗斯西伯利亚中部的灾难距今已有百年,却仍然令各国的科学家百思不解。 On the morning of June 30, 1908, on the banks of the Shizuoka-Toshoguka River in the Siberian forest of the Russian Empire, the dawn was exposed and the dawning fog began. An instant, a mysterious giant fireball pierced the sky, the sky burst. The sound of shaking earthshaking, its brightness and the sun is similar. Dry winds swept across the earth with huge noise, and millions of trees were instantly torn down ... The disaster in central Siberia, a century long ago, still puzzled scientists from all over the world.
她曾和刘翔是同行,至今还保持着北京中学生100米跨栏的纪录;她大一时还有点婴儿肥;不过,就在这个夜晚,因为她,中国迎来了全球性选美比赛中带有标志性的一刻 She had been wi