Larvicidal efficacy of crude and fractionated extracts of Dracaena loureiri Gagnep against Aedes aeg

来源 :亚太热带生物医学杂志(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hulala
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Objective: To evaluate the larvicidal efficacy of crude and fractionated extracts of Dracaena loureiri endocarp against Aedes aegypti, Aedes albopictus, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Anopheles minimus mosquitos. Methods: Larvicidal activity was tested according to World Health Organization standard protocol.The third-stage larvae of each mosquito species were exposed to various concentrations of Dracaena loureiri crude extract and six groups of Dracaena loureiri fractionated extracts (RC-DT 009–014). Larval mortality rates were observed after 24 h and 48 h of exposure.Then, a computerized probit analysis of the mortality data was performed to determine lethal concentration 50 (LC50) and lethal concentration 90 values. Results: Anopheles minimus larvae (24-h LC5077.88 mg/L) had the highest susceptibility to crude extract, whereas others (Aedes aegypti, 24-h LC50224.73 mg/L; Aedes albopictus, 24-h LC50261.75 mg/L; and Culex quinquefasciatus, 24-h LC50282.86 mg/L) were significantly less susceptible. The most effective groups of fractionated extracts were RC-DT 012 and RC-DT 013. The mosquito species most susceptible to fractionated extracts was Culex quinquefasciatus, with 24-h LC50 values of 0.66 and 0.94 mg/L for RC-DT 012 and RC-DT 013, respectively. Conclusions: The larvicidal activity of fractionated extracts is more effective than that of crude extract against all tested mosquito species. For the most effective altative larvicide, purification and a phytochemical constituent analysis must be performed.
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目的 了解宜宾市工业园区企业有害作业岗位工人对于职业卫生服务方面的需求,旨在制定科学的对策激发工人的参与性并更好地开展职业卫生服务.方法 关于工业职业卫生服务需求的
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