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蒂森克虏伯集团欧洲钢铁分部完成对德国杜伊斯堡(Duisburg)布鲁克豪森厂(Bruckhausen)1#热轧带钢生产线的现代化改造。1#热轧带钢生产线经过两年多的改造,目前已恢复满负荷生产。蒂森克虏伯集团欧洲钢铁分部为提高杜伊斯堡厂的竞争力,确保自身在优质碳钢扁平材生产领域的技术领先优势,斥资2.4亿欧元进行了本轮改造。通过改造,该厂热轧带钢生产线生产 The ThyssenKrupp European Steel Division completed the modernization of the 1 # hot strip production line at Bruckhausen in Duisburg, Germany. 1 # hot rolled strip production line after more than two years of reform, has now returned to full capacity production. The ThyssenKrupp European Steel Division conducted this round of revamp at a cost of 240 million euros to enhance the competitiveness of the Duisburg plant and ensure its technological leadership in the production of high quality carbon steel flat products. Through the transformation, the plant hot-rolled strip production line
- Based on the curve equation of towline in towing, this paper introduces the new concepts of the coefficient of shape extension and comprehensive extension of
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The effects of reduction by DTT, oxidation by DTNB and treatment with NEM on the thiol contents and insulin binding to its receptor in mice liver membranes were
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- In this paper, based on the random characteristic analysis of Tianjin Hospital earthquake waves of Tangshan aftershock, the three dimensional acceleration po
To make surface seawater flow, the shear stress of the wind blowing on the sea must overcome the work of cohesion of seawater Wc.Oil film on the sea will drift
The structural feature of agar polysaccharides from Porphyra haitanensis grown in south China and transplanted to the north was investigated by fractioriation