2005年中考,正处在课程改革新旧交替、命题以《化学教学大纲》和《化学课程标准》倡导的理念为依据的过渡时期,关注和把握中考命题新趋势,对于推进当前化学课程改革,促进教与学策略、方法的转变都具有重要意义.本文以近两年全国部分省市中考典型试题为例, 窥视中考化学命题新趋势,供教学中和备考复习时参考.
In 2005, the senior high school entrance exams were in the transitional period where the curriculum reform was new and old, and the proposition was based on the concepts advocated in the “Chemistry Syllabus” and the “Chemical Curriculum Standards”. Concerning and grasping the new trend of the examination propositions promoted the reform of the current chemistry curriculum and promoted it. The transformation of teaching and learning strategies and methods is of great significance. This paper takes the typical examination questions of some provinces and cities in the country in the past two years as an example to peek into the new trends in chemistry propositions for the middle school entrance exams for reference in teaching and preparation for review.