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结核感染性脓腔,采用抗菌素治疗多不理想,为了寻找更有效的治疗方法,我们选用毒性低、刺激小的表面消毒剂作脓腔灌注,治疗结核性脓腔.为了筛选在脓液环境下,对结核菌有效的消毒剂,首先做了消毒剂的耐药实验.用0.5%碘伏、75%酒精、0.5%洗必泰、0.5%洗必泰醇(75%酒精)、3%过氧化氢等5种消毒剂.在脓胸病人的脓液中加入对INH、SM、RFP、KM耐药的结核菌,以保证实验的阳性结果.菌液制备:取药敏试验中对上述抗痨药耐药的培养基,用接种环刮取表面菌落,以0.5%Tween80生理盐水磨菌配成1mg/ml的菌液.脓液中按1:1,1:0.5,1:0.1的比例分别加入上述消毒剂配成混合液,再将菌液用脓、药混合液10倍稀释至10~(-2)mg/ml湿菌,混匀后吸取0.1ml接种于改良罗氏培养基,培养4周观察结果.结果显示0.5%碘伏对脓液中结核菌有较强的杀灭作用,75%酒精在1:1浓度下仍有作用.选用敏感消毒剂灌注结核性脓腔,3年来治疗全肺切除术后胸腔感 Tuberculosis infection abscess, the use of antibiotic treatment more than ideal, in order to find more effective treatment, we use low toxicity, stimulating small surface disinfectant for abscess infusion, the treatment of tuberculous abscess.In order to screen in the pus environment , The effective antiseptic agent for TB was firstly tested on the drug resistance of disinfectant with 0.5% iodophor, 75% alcohol, 0.5% chlorhexidine, 0.5% chlorhexidine (75% alcohol), 3% Hydrogen peroxide, etc. 5 kinds of disinfectant in the empyema of patients with pus INH, SM, RFP, KM-resistant tuberculosis to ensure the positive test results Bacterial fluid preparation: take susceptibility test of the above anti- Drug resistance medium, scraping the surface of the colonies with an inoculation loop, with 0.5% Tween80 physiological saline solution dubbed 1mg / ml of bacteria solution. Pus in the ratio of 1: 1: 1: 0.5, 1: 0.1 Respectively, add the above disinfectant dubbed the mixture, and then the bacteria solution with pus, 10 times the drug mixture diluted to 10 ~ (-2) mg / ml wet bacteria, mix 0.1ml after inoculation into modified Roche medium, culture 4 weeks observation.The results showed that 0.5% iodophor had a strong killing effect on tubercle bacillus in pus, 75% alcohol still had a role in 1: 1 concentration.Select sensitive disinfectant perfusion knot Of the abscess, 3 years to treat chest sense after pneumonectomy