Colorimetric Determination of Hydroxylurea

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sunrisekarl
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Hydroxyurea is able to form colored complex with amminoprusside (TPF) which has strongabsorption at 500 nm suitable for the colorimetric determination of hydroxyurea. Present paper studies theeffects of temperature, quantity of buffer solution, quantity of TPF used and so on, on the complexabsorption. Standing for 10~15 min at the temperature 25~30℃, the absorbency is determined in utensil, in Hydroxyurea is able to form colored complex with amminoprusside (TPF) which has strong adsorption at 500 nm suitable for the colorimetric determination of hydroxyurea. Present paper studies the effects of temperature, quantity of buffer solution, quantity of TPF used and so on, on the complex adsorption. Standing for 10 ~ 15 min at the temperature 25 ~ 30 ℃, the absorbency is determined in utensil, in
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