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山西省主要甜菜产区大部分春季干旱、多风,土壤墒情差,春汇地播种迟,苗期病虫害多,保苗困难.1990~1991年从吉林省公主岭和黑龙江省造纸研究所引进纸筒进行育苗移栽试验.试验结果表明,以3月15日播种、4月25日左右移栽最适宜,即幼苗在棚内生长40天,移栽时大约4~5片真叶为宜,可比直播甜菜早20~25天,延长生育期30~40天,特别是春汇地、二阴下湿地,效果更为明显,在6~10月的20日左右调查表明,每月的茎叶鲜重比直播田(CK)的增长量分别为325g、810g、540g、140g、45g.以移栽成活后增长量最大,之后逐渐减弱,这就促使甜菜早封垄,提前进入叶丛快速生长期和块根膨大期.在两年试验中,不论 Most of the major sugar beet producing areas in Shanxi province were spring drought, windy and poor soil moisture, late spring seeding, pest and disease in seedling stage, and seedling maintenance difficulties. From 1990 to 1991, they were introduced from paper mill in Gongzhuling and Heilongjiang Provincial Papermaking Research Institute Seedling transplanting test.The results showed that the sowing on March 15, April 25 about the most appropriate transplanting, seedling growth in the shed 40 days, transplanting about 4 to 5 true leaves is appropriate, comparable to live Beets as early as 20 to 25 days to extend the growing period of 30 to 40 days, especially in spring, two Yinxia wetlands, the effect is more pronounced in the 6 ~ October 20 investigation showed that the monthly fresh weight of stems and leaves (CK) increased by 325g, 810g, 540g, 140g and 45g, respectively. After transplanting, the growth was the largest, then gradually weakened, which led to early closure of sugar beet and advance into the rapid growth of leaf and In the two years of trials, no matter
In a quantum key distribution system, it is crucial to keep the extinction ratio of the coherent pulses stable. This means that the direct current bias point of