明末农民大起义的著名领袖张献忠,生于1606年(万历三十四年)9月(农历八月)21日(丁已二十一日)亥时,是陕西省肤施县人。他长得面黄长身虎颔长髯及胸,人号“黄虎”。他性情“傈劲果决”,是一个非常强悍果断的人,在起义军将领中有一个外号,叫“八大王”。他作战勇猛又机谋善断,比李自成更有智略更为难测一些。在与朱明王朝的作战中,他率领四十万大军攻入四川,于1644年(清顺治元年)11月6日(农历十月初八)在成都称帝,国号“大西”,改元“大顺”,并下令在古籍、碑记、牌坊、画梁、题柱上,尽改写为“大西”年号。 张献忠攻占四川后,并不象封建统治者所诋毁的那样,是一个杀人如麻的屠夫,而是采取安定百姓的措施,启用了一些愿为农民政权作事的知识分子。张献忠
Zhang Xianzhong, a famous leader of the peasant uprising in the late Ming dynasty, was born in 1606 (thirty-four years in Wanli) and september (lunar calendar August) in Haihe, on the 21st of the 21st of the lunar month. He looks face to face yellow long 髯 long 髯 and chest, “Huang Hu.” His temperament “strong fruit decisive”, is a very tough and decisive people, there is a nickname in the rebel generals, called “eight kings.” He fought bravely and skillfully, more intelligent than Li Zicheng more unpredictable. In the battle with the Ming dynasty, he led 400,000 troops into Sichuan. In 1644 (the first year of Qing Shunzhi) November 6 (lunar eighth day of the eighth lunar month), he drove the emperor in Chengdu, Shun “and ordered in the ancient books, inscriptions, arch, painted beams, the title column, to rewrite as” Daxi ". After Zhang Xianzhong captured Sichuan, he was not a murderer of butchers, as the feudal rulers denigrated. Instead, he took measures to stabilize the people and enabled some intellectuals who are willing to work for the peasant regime. Zhang Xianzhong