An iterative approach for modal analysis of solid rocket motor incorporating frequency dependent mod

来源 :航空动力学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diod
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The modulus of viscoelastic materials varies with excitation frequency.However,during modal analysis of frequency dependent materials,a material evaluation frequency is necessary because stiffness cannot be modified during eigenfrequency procedure.As a result,only those vibration modes are accurate,of which eigenfrequency is close to the material evaluation frequency.In order to obtain vibration modes of solid rocket motor(SRM) using material modulus based on frequency which is the same as the eigenfrequency,an iterative approach was proposed.Results of the iterative technique show that frequency modes obtained from the method are in complete agreement with the eigenfrequency and material evaluation frequency. The modulus of viscoelastic materials varies with excitation frequency. During modal analysis of frequency dependent materials, a material evaluation frequency is necessary because stiffness can not be modified during eigenfrequency procedure. As a result, only those vibration modes are accurate, of which eigenfrequency is close to the material evaluation frequency. order obtainable vibration modes of solid rocket motor (SRM) using material modulus based on frequency which is the same as the eigenfrequency, an iterative approach was proposed. Results of the iterative technique show that frequency frequency obtained from the method are in complete agreement with the eigenfrequency and material evaluation frequency.
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