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随着科学的进步,人们普遍重视教育、重视知识、重视信息的开发和利用,因而导致图书资料数量的猛增,可是,由于知识更新,信息老化的加快,使得许多图书资料衰老、沉睡。1988年6月3日《光明日报》报道:被美国哈佛大学图书馆馆长称为中国“最有特色、藏书组织也最科学”的中国科学院图书馆,有成千上万的珍贵图书资料在库房睡觉。这是因为原有的图书管理模式不能适应现代的发展,那种传统的以收藏为主的图书馆应该向以开发利用为主的信息中心转变。那么,如何激活图书资料信息,为读者服务?我认为要从图书馆内外两个方面入手。 With the progress of science, people generally attach importance to education, attach importance to knowledge, and emphasize the development and utilization of information. As a result, the number of books and materials has soared. However, due to the updating of knowledge and the aging of information, many book materials have become sluggish and sluggish. June 3, 1988 “Guangming Daily” reported: by the United States Harvard University library called China’s “most distinctive, the most scientific organizations,” the library, there are thousands of precious books Data in the warehouse to sleep. This is because the original mode of library management can not adapt to the modern development. The traditional collection-based library should shift to the development and utilization-oriented information center. So, how to activate the information of books and information for readers? I think we should start from both inside and outside the library.
在单位的停车场里我见到了这次的受访人,宽大的越野车驾驶座上竟是一位娇小的女性。车子驶入车位,我正欲上前自我介绍,不料车子又开了出来,略加调整,再次进入车位。反复数次,直到车子完美地停在车位正中。她跳下车,向我伸来手:“你好!我是田融。”  女设计师的减法与加法  田融的家乡在四川,本科专业是美术教育的她来到北京又在中央美术学院进修了室内设计,成为了一名室内设计师。“你知道室内装修里的硬装和软装是什
The amidoximated polyacrylonitrile (PAN) fiber Fe complexeswere prepared and used as the heterogeneous Fenton catalysts for thedegradation of28 anionicwater sol
首先,代表贵州省社科联向大会表示祝贺。我对图书馆很有感情。我曾在贵大图书馆工作过。到省社科联以后,仍对图书馆学会寄予厚望。 First of all, congratulate the congre
NaAlH4 complex hydrides doped with lanthanon hydrides were prepared by hydrogenation of the ball-milled NaH/Al+ xmol.% RE-H composites (RE=La,Ce;x=2,4,6) using