
来源 :党的建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wudingyong2009
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处在加快发展重要关口,如何突破各种矛盾的制约,实现经济社会协调稳定发展?酒泉市在树立和实践科学发展观的过程中,积极寻求答案,努力实现跨越。科学发展观是实事求是的发展观实事求是是党的思想路线的精髓,也是科学发展观的精髓。近几年来,酒泉发展明显加快,经济增长速度一直高于全省和全国的平均水平。2003年,全市人均国民生产总值突破了万元大关,农民人均纯收入和城镇居民可支配收入分别达到了4000元 At the important juncture of speeding up development, how to break through the restriction of various contradictions and realize the coordinated and stable economic and social development? Jiuquan City, in the process of establishing and practicing the scientific concept of development, actively sought for answers and made great efforts to achieve leaps. Seeing for truth from facts is the essence of the party’s ideological line and the essence of the scientific concept of development. In recent years, the development of Jiuquan significantly accelerated, the rate of economic growth has been higher than the average level of the province and the country. In 2003, the per capita gross national product of the city exceeded the mark of 10,000 yuan. The per capita net income of peasants and the disposable income of urban residents reached 4,000 yuan
A kind of efficient non-doped white organic light-emitting diodes(WOLEDs) were realized by using a bright blue-emitting layer of 4,4-bis(2,2-diphenylvinyl)-1,1-
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。池中蓄水常思源 勤奋敬业十八年──记云南省玉溪市元江县自来水厂厂长龙守祥 Please download to view, this article does n
“1993年江总书记召集的华东六省市书记省长会议的第一件事就是学习你采访日本大来先生的文章。” “The first thing that General Secretary Jiang called the secretary-
面对“十六大”振兴东北的难逢时机,东北的各个城市如何紧紧把握这一战略机遇,与时俱进,尽快乘势崛起? 显然,选择恰当务实的城市发展战略,是当务之急。显然,以科学的发展观来