认真学习理论 促进卫生革命

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毛主席关于理论问题的重要指示发表后,极大地鼓舞了我们大队卫生所的全体赤脚医生。最近我们在大队党支部的领导下,在驻军一六一八部队的热情帮助下,从总结工作入手,认真学习马列著作,学习毛主席关于理论问题的重要指示,紧密结合两个阶级、两条路线斗争的实际,努力从理论与实践的结合上搞清为什么要对资产阶级实行专政,专政的任务是什么,怎样为巩固无产阶级专政而斗争。通过学习,进一步提高了全体赤脚医生继续革命的觉悟,增强了抵制资产阶级思想的侵蚀,更好地为贫下中农服务和参加集体劳动的自觉性。 After Chairman Mao’s important instructions on the theoretical issues were published, he greatly encouraged all the barefoot doctors in our brigade clinics. Recently, under the leadership of the brigade party branch and with the enthusiasm of the garrison 1668 forces, we started with summing up work, conscientiously studied the writings of Marxism, and studied Chairman Mao’s important directives on theoretical issues, combining two classes and two closely. The reality of the course of struggle is to work out the combination of theory and practice to find out why the dictatorship must be exercised for the bourgeoisie, what is the task of dictatorship, and how to fight for the consolidation of the dictatorship of the proletariat. Through learning, the awareness of the continued revolution of all barefoot doctors has been further enhanced, the erosion of boycotting bourgeois ideology has been enhanced, and the consciousness of serving poor rural peasants and participating in collective labor has been better.
编辑同志: 近几年来,我们在贯彻执行伟大领袖毛主席关于“预防为主”的指示中,除了在本大队举办广播讲座,出墙报、黑板报,以及边巡回医疗,边向群众进行卫生宣传教育外,还积
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