缔造极致享受 引领区域发展 中国百城新地标发展趋势

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社会经济快速发展及产业的不断集聚,催生了规模宏大、特色鲜明的各类地标建筑。“2015-2016中国百城建筑新地标”在建筑本身内外功能、节能环保、技术创新、社会经济影响等方面展示了当前城市建筑的整体发展水平,引领城市经济与文化发展(见表1)。一、具备全面的服务功能,引领区域产业经济良性发展受土地资源有限性制约,近年来一些大型地标建筑逐渐向城市新兴区转变,释放城市中心区压力,提升城市整体经济发展水平。兆润财富中心位于苏州工业园区,由两 The rapid socio-economic development and continuous industrial gathering have given birth to all kinds of landmarks with large scale and distinctive features. “2015-2016 China’s new landmark construction of a hundred cities ” shows the overall development level of the current urban architecture in terms of internal and external functions of the building itself, energy conservation and environmental protection, technological innovation and socio-economic impact, leading the development of urban economy and culture (see Table 1 ). First, with full service functions and leading the healthy development of regional economy Constrained by limited land resources, some large landmark buildings have gradually shifted to emerging areas of cities in recent years, releasing the pressure on the urban centers and boosting the overall urban economic development level. Zhaoyun Fortune Center is located in Suzhou Industrial Park, by two
【正】 为了使我县的股份制企业真正建立起国有资产保值增值机制,切实做到政企、政资分开,落实经营权,保障所有权,把企业真正推向市场,新郑县国有资产管理局配合县财政局、体
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