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近年来,我国在经济建设方面取得了较大的发展,教育事业也随之快速发展。随着素质教育和新课改的不断推进,人文精神在中学教学中得到了越来越多的关注。进行人本教育的一个重要核心就是人文精神,是现阶段中学进行美术教育的一个首要任务。文本将简单分析现阶段中学美术教育中存在的一些问题,然后提出具体的在中学美术教育中培养学生人文精神的措施,希望能够起到抛砖引玉的效果。 In recent years, our country has made great progress in economic construction, and education has also developed rapidly. With the continuous promotion of quality education and new curriculum reform, humanism has drawn more and more attention in middle school teaching. An important core of humanistic education is the humanistic spirit. It is a primary task of art education in secondary schools at this stage. The text will briefly analyze some existing problems in art education in middle schools at this stage, and then put forward specific measures to cultivate students’ humanistic spirit in art education in middle schools, hoping to play a valuable role.
The Grand Canyon is a massive rift in the Colorado Plateau. How and when it developed has been debated for nearly 150 years. Most geologists believe the unusual
合作式探究可以提高学生发现问题以及解决问题的能力,所以本文主要探讨合作式探究在高中美术教学中的运用,旨在提高高中美术教学质量。 Cooperative inquiry can improve th
Voluminous platinum-group mineral(PGM) inclusions including erlichmanite(Os,Ru)S_2, laurite(Ru,Os)S_2, and irarsite(Ir,Os,Ru,Rh)As S, as well as native osmium O
省财政厅、省国税局、省地税局、人行西宁市中心支行: 根据财预明电[2002]1号和国办发[2002]1号文件精神,财政部将于近日组织专门小组对各地所得税征管和入库情况进行检查。
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile.
谷穗步、暂定为 Harpalus SP.属步科 Carabidae.亚科 Harpalinae.属 Harpulus。土名黑盖虫。是近年来新发展的一种粮食害虫。1960年在衡水地区开始发现它为害谷子、玉米