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当今世界,发达国家已步入信息时代,新兴国家相地区也在急起直追。但是,许多发展中国家仍在为工业化而苦苦挣扎。富国已经将不少劳动密集、自然资源密集、能源密集,甚至对环境污染严重的工业转移到发展中国家。为了发展本国经济,创造就业机会,发展中国家接受了这种新的分工,也获得了实惠。但这种分工进一步扩大了发达国家与发展中国家的经济和技术差距。西方人士认为,这是信息差距。一边是信息富国,一边是信息穷国,富的更富,穷的更穷,南北矛盾越来越大。 中国是发展中国家,在工业社会向信息社会转化的过程中,要紧紧把握住机遇,抢占21世纪的制高点——信息技术。正如江泽民同志指出的:“四个现代化,哪一个也高不开信息化”,要为把我国早日建成“信息富国”而努力。“科教兴国”兴的是社会主义强国,兴的是现代化强国,也是信息富国。 “信息”这个普通的名词,有时被炒得很玄乎,比较重要也比较有代表性的定义就有数十种。最高层次的信息定义不受任何条件的约束且具有最普遍的适用性,定义为:“信息就是事物运动的状态以及状态变化的方式”。这里的“事物”泛指一切可能的研究对象,是外部世界的物质客体,也可以是主观世界的精神现象。由于万物都在运动,都有一定的运动状态和改变运动状态的方式,因此都在产 In today’s world, the developed countries have entered the information age and the emerging countries and regions are also catching up. However, many developing countries are still struggling with industrialization. The rich countries have already moved quite a few labor-intensive, natural resource-intensive and energy-intensive industries to even developing countries with even serious pollution of the environment. In order to develop their own economy and create employment opportunities, developing countries have also received substantial benefits from this new division of labor. However, this division of labor has further expanded the economic and technological gap between developed and developing countries. Western people think this is the information gap. On the one hand is the information rich country, on the other hand it is poor and information rich, rich and poor are poorer, and the contradictions between North and South are getting bigger and bigger. As a developing country, China must firmly seize this opportunity and seize the commanding height in the 21st century - information technology in the process of transforming its industrial society into an information society. As Comrade Jiang Zemin pointed out: “Four modernizations and which one is not highly informatized,” we must work hard to build our country into an information rich country as soon as possible. The goal of “rejuvenating the country with science and education” is a powerful socialist country. Prosperous is a modern power and a country rich in information. The common term “information” is sometimes speculatively speculative, with dozens of more important and representative definitions. The highest level of information definition is not subject to any conditions and has the most general applicability, defined as: “Information is the state of things movement and the state changes in the way.” The “thing” here refers to all possible research objects, the material object of the external world and the mental phenomenon of the subjective world. Because everything is in motion, there is a certain state of motion and a way of changing the state of motion,
事发场地 吴家餐桌。  叫阵战将 妈妈沈蕊PK宝宝吴希风    第一回合,老鹰追小鸡    希风5岁多,我总因为他吃饭的问题而生气。以前他还自己能吃一下,现在老是不吃,喂他吃也是很慢很慢的,每餐饭要1个多小时才能吃完。看他那样子我就想发火,有时还忍得住,有时我真的就打他了,语气也是很凶地问他:“你一顿饭到底要吃多久呢?”“你干嘛老是把饭含在嘴里不吞呢?”……真的很头痛。  当然,我也曾耐心追在他屁
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2008年1-2月主题刊  奥运,从远古走来。2008年,奥运来到了中国。  《北京欢迎你》的歌声,传遍全世界。  盛大的开幕式令人惊艳。英姿勃发的中国运动员,让世界为之瞩目。  每个人都行动起来。热情的志愿者笑靥如花,快乐的小学生用自己独特的方式,表达对奥运的祝福。  奥运,不仅在高高的领奖台上,也在每个角落,在你我身边。  发言:  2008年,奥运盛典在北京开幕,中国沸腾起来。我们策划奥运主
本文在界定信息服务业内涵的基础上,分析了我国信息服务业现状和面临的问题,并结合市场经济创造的各种契机,指出我国的信息服务业今后发展的目标、步骤、策略和规模。 On th
蒙梦过年时收到了爷爷送的一只小宠物犬。蒙梦对它宠爱有加,将它当成了自己最好的玩伴,与它同吃同睡,洗澡也一同泡在浴缸中。  后来,蒙梦生了一场大病,经过医院检查,发现她的病竟然是家中的宠物犬传播的!蒙梦病愈后,开始与宠物犬保持距离,甚至有些害怕。  妈妈对她说:“不是说你不能接触狗,你只要注意保持狗的卫生,同时也保持自己的卫生就可以了。你看你以前和它那么亲密,忽然就不理它了,它不是很可怜吗?”  蒙