身处草泽思报国 《演炮图说》御列强

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爱国主义是中华民族的优良传统。在中国历史上,回回民族作为中华大家庭中的一员,不仅以勤劳勇敢的斗争精神著称于世,而且以其爱国主义的优良传统彪炳史册。从1840年第一次鸦片战争爆发至1945年中国抗日战争胜利,在这100多年的历史中,回族人民不管处于何种艰难困苦中,都没有放弃对自己祖国的深深挚爱。他们在反对国内民族压迫的同时,又坚定地站在反抗外敌入侵的前沿阵地,他们不怕牺牲,英勇斗争,涌现了大批英雄人物,创造出许多可歌可泣的英雄事迹,表现出高度的爱国主义精神。如何继承和发扬回族人民的这一优良传统,教育引导今天的年轻一代沿着正确方向前进,是宁夏宣传理论工作者义不容辞的责任。当今,时代赋予回回民族的历史重任之一,仍然是高举爱国主义旗帜,因此,本刊从2006年起陆续刊发由张怀武主编的《近现代回族爱国斗争史话》中的部分篇章,以飨读者。 Patriotism is a fine tradition of the Chinese nation. In Chinese history, as a member of the Chinese family, returning to the nation is not only known for its perseverance and hard-working spirit, but also for its history as a whole with its patriotic good tradition. From the first Opium War in 1840 to the victory of the Chinese Anti-Japanese War in 1945, the Hui people, in these 100 years of history, have not given up their deep love for their motherland no matter what their hardships and difficulties. While opposing the oppression of the nationalities, they firmly stood at the forefront of invading foreign enemies. They were not afraid of sacrifice and heroic struggle. Many heroic figures emerged and many epic heroic deeds were created, demonstrating a high degree of patriotism. How to inherit and carry forward this fine tradition of the Hui people, educating and educating the younger generation in today’s marching direction is the undeniable responsibility of Ningxia propaganda theorists. Today, one of the historical tasks entrusted to the nation by the times is still to hold high the banner of patriotism. Therefore, some articles in the book entitled “The History of Patriotic Struggle in the Modern Hui Clan” were edited and published by Zhang Huaiwu since 2006, .
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