最高人民法院 政务院关于镇压反革命活动的指示

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中国人民解放战争已在大陆上基本结束,各级地方人民政府已先后成立。但在某些地区特别是有些新解放地区,国民党反动派残余在帝国主义指使之下,仍在采取武装暴乱和潜伏暗害等活动方式,组织特务土匪,勾结地主恶霸,或煽动一部分落后分子,不断地从事反对人民政府及各种反革命活动,以破坏社会治安,危害人民与国家利益。因此,积极领导人民坚决地肃清一切公开的与暗藏的反革命分子,迅速地建立与巩固革命秩序,以保障人民民主权利并顺利地进行生产建设及各项必要的社会改革,成为各级人民政府当前重要任务之一。中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领第七条规定:「中华人民共和国必须镇压一切反革命活动,严厉惩罚一切勾结帝国主义、背叛祖国、反对人民 The Chinese People’s Liberation War has basically ended in mainland China. Local people’s governments at various levels have been established one after another. However, in some areas, especially in some newly liberated areas, the remnants of the Kuomintang reactionaries, under the command of imperialism, are still using forms of armed riots and potential dark assaults to organize special agents of the bandits to collude with the bullying of landlords or instigate some backward elements. Engaged in opposing the people’s government and all kinds of counter-revolutionary activities in order to undermine social order and endanger the interests of the people and the country. Therefore, we must actively lead the people in resolutely clearing up all overt and hidden anti-revolutionary elements, rapidly establishing and consolidating a revolutionary order so as to safeguard the people’s democratic rights and smoothly carry out production and construction and all necessary social reforms so as to become the present-day people’s government at all levels One of the important tasks. Article 7 of the Common Program of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference stipulates: "The People’s Republic of China must suppress all counterrevolutionary activities, severely punish all who collude with imperialism, betray the motherland and oppose the people
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今年8月 22 日 ,是 伟大的马克思主义者,无 产阶级革 命家、政治家、军事家、外 交家、我国 社会主义改革开放和现代 化建设的 总设计师邓小平同志 诞生 100 周年 纪念日。邓
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