
来源 :党建研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:arnohuang123
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从今年起到明年上半年,全国省市县乡地方领导班子将自下而上进行换届。搞好这次换届,事关大局、事关长远,对完成“十二五”时期目标任务、实现全面建设小康社会奋斗目标,具有特殊重要的意义。各级党委及其组织部门一定要按照中央的部署和要求,抓住机遇,精心安排,以改革创新精神认真谋划换届工作,确保换届圆满成功。 From the beginning of this year to the first half of next year, the local leading groups in cities and counties and cities and townships across the country will be re-elected from the bottom up. Doing a good job of this general election has a special and vital bearing on the overall situation and on the long-term goal of accomplishing the objectives and tasks during the 12th Five-Year Plan and realizing the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way. Party committees at all levels and their organizational departments must seize the opportunity and make meticulous arrangements in accordance with the arrangements and requirements of the Central Government, earnestly plan the general election with the spirit of reform and innovation, and ensure the success of the general election.
我们自1983年4月13日起临床应用上海医电厂研制的 AMQ-5型多功能程序控制起搏器已有14个月,共治疗了3例严重心律失常患者,取得了满意疗效。现初步报告如下: We have since
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暂时性异常 Q 波合并一过性房室传导阻滞临床上少见。现将我们遇到的一例报告,并结合文献略作讨论。患者何某,男性,47岁,住院号26872。因发作性胸骨后疼痛3天于1982年2月16
Using a sample of 1486 Chinese A-share listed companies for the period 2004-2008,this study empirically tests the impact of family control,institutional environ
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