The Multi-Constructionist Concept of Gender---Taking the Mosuo People in Yongning as an Example

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The Mosuo are an ethnic group who live at the juncture of Yunnan and Sichuan prov-inces in southwest China. The study of gender a-mong the Mosuo has been a hot topic for ethnolo-gists and anthropologists at home and abroad. At different times, scholars have expressed different interests. However, no unanimous conclusion can be drawn from their research findings. Within the different conclusions of the scholars, what comes closest to the truth about Mosuo culture? An open discussionon this question is the intention for writ-ing this article. For a long time,it was widely believed in the field of cultural anthropology that women held a subordinate position in society. However, the con-struction of gender in Mosuo society might provide us with a unique and precious example of some-thing to the contrary. In addition, gender studies, instead focusing on the issue from a single perspec-tive,should do so from a multi-perpsective angle. This article gives a multi-perspective analysis on the gender relationships in Mosuo society in order to have a clear understanding of the construction of gender for women. 1 . The Spatial Construction of Gender for Mo-suo Women The family house is the most basic and impor-tant social unit of the Mosuo,and also the basis for the identity of the Mosuo. The spatial arrangements of the Mosuo family house reflect their unique con-struction of gender. The living pattern reflects the family members’ rights and position within the fam-ily,and the use and occupation of the house space reflect the society’s cultural rules and the cultural meaning of gender. The construction of gender in Mosuo society, with its rule of “respecting the mother and the female”, and “women stay within the family house while the man walks to the partner’s house”,is fully reflected in the spatial al-location of the family house. 2 . The Linguistic Construction of Gender for Mosuo Women Language has a close relationship with the construction of gender. Language reflects society, and gender relations are normally reflected in the language of daily life. Furthermore, language also creates a division of labor. As a cultural element, language has participated in the labor division of genders. There is a unique word “mi33” in Mosuo language. It not only plays an important role in lan-guage usage, but also displays a specific cultural connotation. As a single-syllable word,“mi33” re-fers to“mother”,the greatest female among human beings. The respect for the female,especially to the mother,lies at the core of Mosuo culture. The moth-er not only plays the important role in bringing up the descendants, but the mother is also the core and support of the family. For the Mosuo,the con-cept of mother symbolizes “great”. When this kind of cultural construction is reflected in language,all the words which have the meaning of “big,impor-tant, and primary” are followed by the syllable“mi33”. The connection of“mother” with“big,im-portant, and primary”” reflects the cultural psy-chology of the Mosuo in“respecting the mother and female”. III. The Kinship Construction of Gender for Mosuo Women Earlier anthropological studies on kinship ig-nored gender relations. Hence,feminist anthropolo-gy stresses that a social gender perspective is an important tool for analyzing kinship. Kinship is the main content of gender analysis,and we should not regard gender and kinship as two separate studies. The Mosuo only regard those people who have blood relations with the mother as the closest or most reliable. The most natural and proper way for maintaining the harmony of the family is to organize the family according to those who have the same blood relations coming from the mother’s side. Ac-cording to this principle,the Mosuo people’s inher-itance system descends through the mother’s line, and family members are organized through groups of people who have matrilineal blood relations. This is reflected in the kinship terminology which stres-ses matrilineal terms, and ignores patriarchal or marriage terms. This shows that both gender and kinship are the products of social cultural produc-tion. The cultural tradition of“respecting the moth-er and female” has standardized the kinship of Mo-suo society,and the kinship also reflects the unique construction of gender of Mosuo society. 3 . The Religious Construction of Gender for Mosuo Women Religious belief is an important cultural phe-nomenon which permeates people’s daily lives,and influences the way people live and think. The wider influence of religion will doubtlessly contribute to the process of the construction of gender. The wor-ship of female deities provides us with a good start to study the construction of gender of Mosuo socie-ty. In Mosuo belief systems and festivals, females are empowered within the role of deities who are worshiped by the people. The Mosuo connect the worship of females with their folk festivals–these kinds of religious beliefs and customs,which high-light the role of women, become a main aspect in constructing a culture of “respecting mother and female” in Mosuo society. The concept of female superiority is deeply re-flected in the Mosuo myth of the Creation of the World. This myth reflects a lot of information, a-mong which one point is the most important—women are not only the ancestral grandmothers of human beings, but also the source of wisdom and strength,and they are the organizers and managers of the Mosuo in ancient times. The Mosuo’s myth of the Creation of the World reflects the high posi-tion of women. V. Conclusion In traditional Mosuo culture,females hold the central position. Although for several centuries,the Tibetan and Han cultures have had a substantial impact on the Mosuo, the female - oriented con-cepts can still be observed in various aspects of the Mosuo’s daily life. This article tries to provide a u-nique ethnology for the construction of gender through a study on the construction of gender in Mosuo society. It further provides a unique case which is different from the“general knowledge” of ethnologists and anthropologists while doingcompar-ative studies on cross-cultural gender. This article is a worthy attempt and discussion on the construc-tion of gender from the angle of multiple construc-tions and multiple perspectives. Only when we use multiple -perspectives to understand the object of our study,can we get closer to the nature and truth of things.
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