提高核心竞争力 实现企业可持续发展

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随着经济全球化和我国“入世”进程的加快,如何才能在激烈的市场中取得更大的份额已成为跨入新世纪后各行业研究和探讨的焦点问题。而如何提高企业的核心竞争力,实现企业可持续发展,更是电焊机行业需要下功夫思考和研究的重点课题。企业的核心竞争力,是来自企业的特有的技能和知识的集合,是使企业能够在某一领域较长时间内保持竞争优势,并处于核心地位的一种能力。电焊机行业担负着为国民经济各部门提供技术装备的重任,跨入新世纪后要形成自己的核心产品、核心技术,并保持核心能力,就必须在以下几方面取得突破: 一、按现代企业制度建立管理体系和运行机制 With the acceleration of economic globalization and China’s WTO accession, how to gain greater market share in the fierce market has become the focus of research and discussion in various industries after entering the new century. How to improve the core competitiveness of enterprises to achieve sustainable development of enterprises, but also the welding industry needs to make efforts to think about and study of key issues. The core competence of an enterprise is a collection of unique skills and knowledge from the enterprise. It is an ability that enables an enterprise to maintain its competitive advantage and occupy a core position in a certain field for a long time. Welding machine industry is responsible for providing various departments of the national economy the important task of technology and equipment, into the new century to form their own core products, core technologies, and maintain core competencies, we must make breakthroughs in the following areas: First, according to the modern enterprise System to establish management system and operation mechanism
以日本新能源产业技术综合开发机构(NEDO)为中心的研究小组公布的试算结果显示, 在中国戈壁沙漠利用太阳能发电,2010年前后发电成本将能接近目前中国的成本电价。研究小组假
前不久,国际瓦楞纸箱协会(ICCA)向其会员单位发布了《2006—2010年全球瓦楞纸板前景预测》报告。 Not long ago, the International Association of Corrugated Cartons (IC
2006年10月26—27日,造纸工业循环经济论坛在北京举行。会议期间,与会代表联系我国制浆造纸工业实际, On October 26-27, 2006, the Paper Industry Circular Economy Forum