爱帮网败诉 胜利真属于网民吗?

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持续了3年多的大众点评网(上海汉涛公司)诉爱帮网(北京爱帮聚信公司)侵犯著作权纠纷于1月21日再次迎来北京海淀法院的一审判决,法院认定爱帮公司侵犯了汉涛公司的著作权,判令停止侵权、赔偿25000元。垂直搜索侵权问题一直为业内所关注,此次的判决被称作是互联网知识产权保护的一个胜利。更有人认为,“大众点评网”对“爱帮网”的胜诉,不是“大众点评网”的胜利,而是网民的胜利。 For more than three years, the Public Comment Network (Shanghai Hantao Company) v. The Love Network (Beijing Ai Sui Convergence Company) infringement of copyright disputes on January 21 once again ushered in the trial of Beijing Haidian Court of First Instance, the court found that love to help the company Infringement of the copyright of Hantao Company, ordering the cessation of infringement and compensation of 25,000 yuan. Vertical search infringement has always been of concern to the industry, the verdict is called the protection of the Internet, a victory of intellectual property. Some people think that “public comment network ” to “love to help network ” victory, not “public comment network ” victory, but the netizen’s victory.
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第二次世界大战后的70年间,俄罗斯(苏联)动用了大量人力物力研制的装甲装备名扬四海,总体质量处于世界领先水平,型号和生产数量世界第一 During the 70 years after the Sec
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