
来源 :建筑砌块与砌块建筑 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hnwkn2008
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本文对联锁式快建砌块在低周反复荷载下墙体的抗剪强度和延性进行了试验研究。墙体试验按L9(34)正交试验设计,四个因素有:墙的高宽比、砂浆强度、墙体正应力δ0、芯柱数量,每个因素均为三个水平。文中对墙体抗剪承载进行分析,根据极差和方差分析,影响墙体抗剪强度的主要因素是砂浆强度,贡献率为68.4%,依次是正应力δ0、芯柱数量和高宽比。最后列出了墙体抗剪强度的经验公式。影响墙体延性的主要因素是芯柱数量,贡献率占88.6%,其次是正应力δ0,而高宽比和砂浆强度影响很小。 In this paper, the shear strength and ductility of interlocking fast-built blocks under low cyclic loading are studied experimentally. The wall test is designed according to the L9 (34) orthogonal test. The four factors are: aspect ratio of the wall, strength of the mortar, normal stress of the wall δ0, number of core columns, and each factor has three levels. In this paper, the shear load of the wall is analyzed. According to the analysis of range and variance, the main factor affecting the shear strength of the wall is the mortar strength, the contribution rate is 68.4%, followed by the normal stress δ0, the number of stems and the aspect ratio. . Finally, the empirical formula of wall shear strength is listed. The main factor affecting the ductility of the wall is the number of core columns, the contribution rate is 88.6%, followed by the normal stress δ0, and the aspect ratio and mortar strength have little effect.
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通过分析比较,揭示了现时影响蓄冰空调经济性的因素,除设备费与能源费为主要因素外,电力与热力增容费的影响,关系亦尤为綦重。 Through analysis and comparison, it reveals th
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米卡,才华横溢的音乐新秀,2007BBC Sound十大闪耀推荐新星头号歌手。以天赋异秉的五个八音度,轻松游走于福音、新浪潮、复古迪斯科、流行泡泡糖和古典管弦乐章等,加上无穷尽