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目的:探究妇产科常见疾病有效的治疗方法。为今后常见妇科的治疗提供依据。方法:随机抽取自2015年2月-9月来我院进行治疗的100例妇科手术后感染病例。随机将100例病例分为对照组与治疗组,两组均50例病例。对观察组病例实施一般治疗,而对治疗组病例在常规治疗方法的基础上实施有效的医护保健治疗。针对治疗组病例的特点,其治疗举措如下所述:从根本深化女性妇科疾病例的妇科健康宣教,同时实施心理疏导,按时组织妇产科类专家有指向性的对病人开展妇科病防治致使讲坛,深化病例对妇科类疾病的掌握,提高病例的自我保护意识;而且完善病例的饮食结构,确保研究病例按需摄入纤维素以及蛋白质等,在此基础上告知病人少吃多餐,以完善女性病例常规身体机能的营养需求;在生活上,让女性病例注意外阴的清洁及消毒,按时更换内裤,特别是在月经阶段,一定要每天更换清洁用具,在会阴部发生异常的时候,一定要第一时间进行检查。结果:此次研究的100例妇科疾病例中,包括55例妇科类炎症病例,为总比例的55%;15例妇科类盆腔器官脱落下垂的病例,为总比例的15%;20例术后出现小便失禁的情况,为总比例的20%;10例术后存在妇科类肿瘤疾病,为总比例的10%。此次研究我们发现,治疗组病例的妇科类疾病治愈率为92%,治愈效果显著超过对照组病例。结论:健康乐观的心态与规律的生活方式是放置相关妇科疾病发生的主要方法。而且,一经发现妇科疾病,要第一时间予以医治,尽可能及早治疗。 Objective: To explore effective treatment of common diseases of obstetrics and gynecology. For the future treatment of gynecological basis. Methods: 100 cases of gynecological postoperative infection were randomly selected from our hospital from February to September in 2015. 100 cases were randomly divided into control group and treatment group, 50 cases in both groups. The general treatment of observation group of patients, while the treatment group cases in the conventional treatment methods based on the implementation of effective health care treatment. According to the characteristics of the treatment group, the treatment measures are as follows: From the fundamental deepening of women’s gynecological health cases of gynecological health education, while the implementation of psychological counseling, timely organization of obstetrics and gynecology expert directional disease prevention of gynecological patients led to the pulpit , To deepen the mastery of cases of gynecological diseases and improve the case of self-protection awareness; and improve the diet of cases, to ensure that research cases on-demand intake of cellulose and protein, on the basis of informed patients eat less meals to improve Female patients routine physical function of nutritional needs; in life, let female patients pay attention to the vulva clean and disinfectant, change underwear on time, especially in the menstrual period, be sure to change daily cleaning appliances, in the perineal anomalies, be sure to The first time to check. Results: Of the 100 cases of gynecological diseases in this study, 55 cases of gynecological inflammation were included, accounting for 55% of the total. 15 cases of gynecological pelvic organs shedding were 15% of the total; 20 cases of postoperative Occurrence of urinary incontinence, for the total proportion of 20%; 10 cases of gynecologic tumor disease after surgery, the total proportion of 10%. In this study, we found that the cure rate of gynecological diseases in the treatment group was 92%, and the cure effect was significantly higher than that in the control group. Conclusion: Healthy and optimistic attitude and regular lifestyle are the main ways to place gynecological diseases. Moreover, once found that gynecological diseases, to be the first time to be treated, as soon as possible treatment.
第一式 预备式rn双脚面南并拢站立,双手自然垂于体侧,下颏微收,百会虚领,唇齿合拢,舌头很自然地平贴上腭,目视前方.