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青年路小学龋病跟踪调查山西省人民医院(030012)范永峰,蒙继斌(指导金蕴文)我们从1992年~1993年3月以来为青年路小学进行牙病防治工作,对龋病进行了跟踪调查,现报道如下。调查资料青年路小学1~2年级恒牙、乳牙、龋病及治疗情况跟踪调查见表1~3。讨论从表中看出:青年路小学1~2年级乳牙患龋率明显高于恒牙分别是91.84%和85.24%。而通过我们两年的普查普治,从患龋人数到患龋率、龋齿总数、龋均都有所下降。从治疗情况看,各类需治疗的牙数目减少。已充填牙由原来的90提高到182,百分比由原来的3.9%提高到10.65%。这是由于我们采取了以下措施:①重视口腔卫生宣传教育,澄清了部分学生家长对从小抓口腔卫生的误解和模糊认识,指导他们掌握正确的刷牙方法,选择合适的保健牙刷和牙膏。加强他们的口腔卫生保健意识,为我们开展口腔保健工作打下了一定基础。②普查普治:为了很好地开展学校口腔卫生保健工作,做到有的放矢,在学校领导支持下,与校医、班主任配合,对学生口腔健康状况进行调查,并把调查结果及时反馈到学校和家长,引起他们的重视。针对有牙患的学生,我们采取优惠手段,提醒他们及早到医院诊治。③氟化物防龋,已被公认。我们 Tracking of Youth Road Primary School Diseases Shanxi Provincial People’s Hospital (030012) Fan Yongfeng, Meng Jibin (Guiding Jin Yunwen) We have been working on the prevention and treatment of dental caries at Youth Road Primary School from 1992 to March 1993. Investigations are reported below. Survey data Follow-up surveys for permanent teeth, deciduous teeth, rickets and treatment in Grade 1 to 2 of Youth Road Elementary School are shown in Tables 1-3. From the table, it can be seen that the prevalence of deciduous teeth in Grade 1 to 2 of Youth Road Primary School is significantly higher than that of permanent teeth 91.84% and 85.24%, respectively. Through our two-year census and general treatment, the number of people suffering from delirium, the rate of deafness, the total number of dental caries, and deafness have all declined. From the treatment point of view, the number of teeth to be treated is reduced. The number of filled teeth increased from 90 to 182, and the percentage increased from 3.9% to 10.65%. This is because we have adopted the following measures: (1) Pay attention to publicity and education of oral hygiene, clarify some of the students’ misunderstandings and vague understandings of childhood oral hygiene, guide them to master the correct method of brushing teeth, and choose the right health toothbrush and toothpaste. Strengthen their awareness of oral health care and lay a solid foundation for our oral health work. 2 census: In order to carry out the school oral health care work well, to achieve a targeted, with the leadership of the school leadership, with the school doctors, class teachers, to investigate the oral health of students, and the results of the feedback in time to schools and parents They caused their attention. For students with dental problems, we use preferential measures to remind them to go to the hospital as soon as possible. 3 Fluoride antimony has been recognized. we
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型胶原的代谢11 I型胶原的合成 I型胶原基因在成骨细胞内转录、剪接成前α链mRNA,转译出前α肽链,三条前α肽链组成前胶原。前胶原N端、C端的多余肽链被切下,为PINP(I型胶原前胶原氨端肽原)和
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